Free African Web Fonts


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Free Web Fonts similar to African

The following free web fonts are similar to African. The fonts are sorted by its similarity. If you want to use one of these free fonts, just click on the preview and choose some provider like Google Fonts.
If you don't want to let Google count your font usage, then download the Webfont Kit from another site and host the font file on your server.

Source Sans Pro - 900 (64% similar) | used on 12093 sites
Changa One - regular (62% similar) | used on 31 sites
Maven Pro - 900 (62% similar) | used on 625 sites
Source Sans Pro - 700 (61% similar) | used on 12093 sites
Khula - 800 (61% similar) | used on 17 sites
Chivo - 900 (61% similar) | used on 65 sites
Signika - 700 (60% similar) | used on 700 sites
Titillium Web - 900 (60% similar) | used on 1811 sites
Fira Sans - 700 (60% similar) | used on 455 sites
Signika Negative - 700 (60% similar) | used on 138 sites

African Family Web Fonts

5 font styles belongs to the Helvetica font family: